Recycling Plant

Dillon Waste operates an award-winning Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) in Tralee, Co. Kerry. As a leading member of Repak and an approved recovery operator, we are committed to supporting Ireland’s recycling goals. Our MRF processes up to 50,000 tonnes of dry recyclables annually, with a focus on producing the highest-quality material while maximizing material recovery. This helps Ireland meet its national and EU recycling targets. We encourage our customers to recycle clean, contamination-free materials, and more information on proper recycling practices can be found at

Using state-of-the-art technology, our MRF employs a combination of ballistic separation, optical sorting, magnets, and eddy currents to efficiently separate recyclables. This allows us to divide dry recyclables into nine distinct waste streams, which are then baled and stored for transportation or export. Our operation is entirely focused on producing the highest-quality materials, free from contamination.

The facility is equipped with advanced optical sensor technology that automatically separates fibre and plastics of various grades and colours. We are continuously developing our processes to handle new types of plastics, which improves recycling rates, reduces costs, and enhances the sustainability of our operations. With this high-specification equipment, we are able to recover a greater variety of plastic packaging, further advancing our goal of excellence in recycling.